Starting from a main line, the Delta Flow Switch allows the partialization and measurement of the oil flow on multiple branch lines.

Some noteworthy features

  • Based on the principle of "Diaphragm Meter".
  • Identical display for the whole range, operated by pressure instead of flow.
  • Original arrangement of the magnet pack and the control reeds. With particular precautions it is possible to electronically perform a "step" reading which approximates linearity.
  • Excellent correspondence between results of theoretical calculations and actual measurements.
  • The device allows an immediate visual reading.
  • Measuring small flow rates does not present difficulties.
  • The measuring device is not very sensitive to impurities.
  • The measuring device is not very sensitive to viscosity.
  • The range (sizes) is relatively extensive.

Technical characteristics

  • 1 or 2 3/4"BSP inlets, as many 3/8"BSP outlets as the modular elements used to compose the assembly.
  • 9 interchangeable models, with full scale flow rates from: 0,5-1-2-3-4-5-7-10-15-20lt./min.
  • Maximum working pressure 15bar.
  • Flow rate measurement by measuring the differential pressure between inlet and outlet on a calibrated diaphragm.
  • Visual indication with sliding piston 
  • Linear measuring scale
  • Electronic control of one or more flow values (up to 4) through exchange "reed" contacts.
  • Flow limiter obtained on the sub-base.
  • Modular construction.
  • Type of lubricant: oil 240cSt max.

Main fields of application

  • Paper mills.
  • Industrial power transmissions.
  • Industrial gearboxes.